Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Year's Goals

I will be the first to admit that I'm not good at New Year's resolutions. Every year when the calendar flips to January 1st, people decide to start anew and instantly drop bad habits, pick up good ones and promise to be an all-around better person. Typically that lasts about a month or so and by the time the spring flowers bloom, those resolutions are a distance memory, am I right? For those reasons, I stopped making resolutions long ago and decided to set attainable goals for myself instead. Here, I'll share what I want to work on in 2015.

Being the best version of me that I can. I think I spent all of my 20s trying to be someone I wasn't just because I was constantly trying to emulate everyone around me. These last few months have completely opened my eyes to the real me. I've accepted that I'll never be the loudest person at the table, but I'll always be a great person to listen and offer advice. While small talk exhausts me, meaningful conversations invigorate me (typical introvert). At 30, I'm now mature enough to know that people can't drastically change their personality and it's best to embrace the real you - and I'm okay with that.

Make time to be creative. This may seem simple, but I realized how I don't make enough time to get creative, whether it's in the form of writing, DIY projects, cooking/baking, etc. I seem to have forgotten what an adrenaline rush it is to complete any type of creative project and the high you get from that is just too good to pass up. I plan on getting many more creative "rushes" in 2015.

Learn one new hobby and master it. Last year I started this lovely blog and have loved every minute of it. The year before I trained and ran a half marathon, so now I need to figure out something for 2015. I've been poking around Pinterest for inspiration and will report back on what peeks my interest - who knows, this lady could have the next green thumb!

What are your goals for the new year?

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